04 October 2007

Love is Dinner for Two, Part 3

This is part 3 of a short series of entries using food to document my most significant romantic relationships to date. Start from the beginning here.

Boyfriend 2.5, Mister E. Danielson:

2003. I fell hard for Mr. Danielson. Maybe it was because we were always stoned, but we never had a bad time together. We only dated for a couple of months, but those months were marked by sweetness and pleasure. We drank Jack Daniel's, we scouraged for cheap, vegetarian eats in the greater LA area, he helped me paint my room orange. But let's keep it short, just like my relationship with Mr. Danielson. We ate lots of fake meat together. It tasted good in the beginning, so good you believed it was real and not "fake," and then you learned how dangerous it is to overconsume soy products and how processed Texturized Vegetable and Texurized Soy Protein is and all of a sudden he's "confused" and back together with his ex-girlfriend. To this day I try to be realistic about fake meat, and am careful about my intake of soy.

THIS IS me about to eat the House "Chicken" at Happy Family Vegetarian Restaurant in Monterey Park, CA. Sometimes fake meat is too good to resist.

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