11 September 2007

BFF, Breakfast Friends Forever

Breakfast for breakfast, breakfast for lunch, or breakfast for dinner, you are my best friend and my favorite meal.

Not only because I love any excuse to eat an egg, I think breakfast is the most well-rounded of all the meals. Let me count the ways.

1. Nutritionally, it's the most important. Without the Big B, what's going to provide you with energy for the rest of your long, arduous day?

2. Practically, it's my favorite meal to cook. It's easy. It simple. It never tastes bad.

3. Socially, it's a privilege to eat this meal with friends, family, or lover. Most of us are usually in a rush in the mornings, so to sit down and share this meal means two joyful things: 1) that you aren't late; and 2) that you aren't alone. It allows friends to reconvene hungover and post-partying, potential lovers to solidify the prior night fling, and families to act healthy and wholesome. Win, Win, and Win!

4. Emotionally, it is my comfort food. Some of my fondest memories of the short year and a half my mother, sister and I lived in New Jersey include the egg and cheese omelette my mom made for us every single morning. Breakfast = safety.

5. Morally, it teaches the virtue of patience. When else in the restaurant world do people willing oblige to hour long waits with such grace and good esteem?

6. Intellectually, it is the time I both ponder and answer all of life's burning questions. Like the chicken or the egg. This one is always easy over breakfast. (or should I say, over easy...)

THIS IS toasted Old Poland Bakery baguette; Garden of Eve eggs with chopped basil; thinly sliced red onions, heirloom tomatoes, and jalapeno peppers; and sliced apple. Just a lil Saturday afternoon brunch for zo + nance.

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